JNPR at 8 p.m. on France 2

It's not every day that we have the opportunity to do an 20h ...

The pressure was great just before filming, with the desire to share the JNPR adventure, our values, with as many people as possible, and to transmit what we have been living and trying to build for 2 years , starting from 0.

2 years ago, when I announced to my relatives that I had the project to launch an alcohol-free and sugar-free spirit - which would become JNPR n°1 - many expressed their surprise to me. Today, people ask me why I don't launch an alcohol-free whiskey ;-)

THANK YOU to everyone who made this possible, thank you to Flavio for his trust from day one and his help in developing the recipes, thank you to the distillery, our suppliers and the team, in particular Marie and Marion who have spent themselves without counting these last months.

Thank you especially for your trust and our exchanges, thank you also for your loyalty which allows us to consider the future.

We invite you to celebrate this with "This is not a Mojito", the recipe for our live last night!

Mon Panier

OPTION MOINS DE CARTON : participez à une démarche éco-responsable !

Vos colis seront expédiés avec les cartons dans lesquels nous avons reçu notre production. Les bouteilles individuelles seront emballées dans du carton ondulé et du papier kraft. Les coffrets 3 bouteilles seront envoyés sans coffret.

Complétez votre commande
4 sugar-free tonics - Les Softs à Papa photo
4 sugar-free tonics - Les Softs à Papa
✓ Added!
+ Measuring cup of copper bar/
+ Measuring cup of copper bar/"Jigger"30/50 ml
✓ Added!
Sirop de basilic - Bacanha photo
Sirop de basilic - Bacanha
✓ Added!
Commander - 0,00€