Autour d'un verre avec...@SelonCharlene

Over a drink with...@According to Charlene

Interview JNPR x Jolly Mama @According to Charlene on 06/10/2022

Charlène , 29, is a kindergarten teacher, young mother of 3 close babies, and pregnant with her fourth child. She talks to us with humor about her aperitifs during pregnancy.

  • Introduce yourself in a few words

I'm Charlène, I'm 29, I'm a mother of 3 babies and I'm pregnant with my fourth and I have the Instagram account @Seloncharlene

  • How many months are you?

I am currently 5 months pregnant already.

  • How are you feeling ?

I'm doing a little better than in the first trimester and I'm going to enjoy it because unfortunately I know it won't last! (laughs)

  • The ideal aperitif for you in 3 words?

The ideal aperitif for me must be convivial, fruity and VERY fresh!

  • Your favorite cocktail is...

My favorite cocktail is the Mojito. Definitively ! And I only drink that. But in virgin version when I'm pregnant or breastfeeding

  • Why did you accept this partnership with JNPR x Jolly Mama?

I accepted this partnership because pregnant or even breastfeeding women are often the big ones forgotten when there are parties or aperitifs, so thank you JNPR and Jolly Mama for thinking of us!

  • The funniest situation during your pregnancy...

I don't remember the last birthday we celebrated as a family where I just dipped my lips a little in my flute of champagne because I was already pregnant, but we didn't have to say it. And….I think I got burned! (laughs)

  • Any advice for expectant mothers?

A piece of advice for future mothers is to take advantage of every moment with your children when they are very young, it goes by extremely quickly! But keep in mind that having a little aperitif from time to time is necessary and even vital!

  • The final word ?

The final word is that you don't necessarily need alcohol to have a good time, what matters is the people around you!


E-book "9 months (and more) without alcohol" available here