The benefits of a month without alcohol

Dry January, also called “alcohol-free month”, is an experiment launched in England in 2013 consisting of not drinking alcohol for a month, after the end-of-year celebrations, and which meets more and more people every year. of followers.

In France, the trend was later but the movement is experiencing growing enthusiasm, according to the OpinionWay survey for JNPR which has just been carried out. In 2020, 13% of French people indicated having participated (source: Opinionway).

According to the most regularly cited study on the benefits of a month without alcohol, carried out by the University of Sussex, here are the 5 main conclusions of the latter on people who had an alcohol-free month of January:
  • 88% saved money
  • 71% realized they didn't need a drink to have fun
  • 71% felt like they slept better
  • 58% observed weight loss
  • 57% judged that they had improved their ability to concentrate

Find the source of this study at the bottom of this article.

A proven effect on sleep:
Although we often hear comments that alcohol makes you fall asleep faster, in reality it disrupts sleep cycles, particularly in the second half of the night.
This study published on this blog also shows the harmful effects of alcohol on sleep:

These elements indicate that the more we drink, the less we recover during sleep, whatever the age (this study was calculated for a person weighing 80 kg)

Beneficial effects on the skin:

According to several studies, excessive alcohol consumption leads to aging of the skin, and can also cause inflammatory effects.

The links between alcohol and weight loss:

By slowing down the elimination of fat and disrupting the feeling of satiety, alcohol can have an impact on weight.
Dry January benefits
Find the study from the University of Sussex :

OpinionWay survey for JPNR

Alcohol-free recipe ideas here
Learn more about Dry January here 
All our advice for a successful month without alcohol, here

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