What are the benefits of quitting alcohol on the skin?

alcohol skin benefits

Having beautiful skin depends on the quality of what you eat but also (and you think about it less) of what you drink. If you are one of those who want to know the benefits of stopping alcohol on your skin's glow, you've come to the right place!


1. How does alcohol influence the quality of our skin?

Alcohol consumption has more or less inflammatory effects on the body and on the skin. It is indeed a powerful vasodilator which acts very quickly on the small vessels of the face. Results ? It promotes dark circles, causes swelling of the face, makes the complexion dull… So many small inconveniences which, in the long term, leave visible marks on our face.

alcohol inflammatory skin


2. Alcohol: an inflammatory food harmful to the skin

When you have skin disorders such as, for example, psoriasis, rosacea, acne, microcysts, or even redness, alcohol can accentuate the already existing skin problems from which you may be suffering. Alcohol, like sugar, is known to be an inflammatory food. Stopping or reducing it will therefore greatly help you to reduce your imperfections and the skin disorders you may suffer from by reducing the inflammation of the skin... and this will be seen in just a few weeks! Alcohol is also a pro-oxidant factor: consumed in too large quantities, it then accelerates skin aging.

stop alcohol how long effect on the skin

3. Quick results

The advantage of stopping alcohol is that you will be able to see very quickly the benefits on your overall health but also on your skin. The appearance of the skin is linked to food, including what we drink. The skin cell regeneration process being 21 days, we will begin to see the first results on the skin texture between 15 and 21 days after having stopped consuming alcohol: enough to start a month without alcohol, right?

If you missed our live on the subject, Valérie Epinasse, micro-nutritionist tells you about it, the replay is available here


Are you looking for solutions to quit alcohol without skimping on the aperitif? Opt for JNPR cocktails: alcohol-free and sugar-free, our alcohol-free spirits are distilled in a still and are made from natural ingredients. All recipes are available here

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