40°C in the sun


Ingredients :

- 40 ml of JNPR No. 3

- 10 ml of JNPR No. 1

- 20 ml lime juice

- 30ml Ginger Beer

- 10 ml sage syrup


Preparation :

To prepare the sage syrup: infuse 5 g of sage leaves (dried and chopped) in 250 ml of boiling water for 8 minutes. Filter, add 500 g of sugar and mix. Let cool.

Squeeze a lime, filter.

In a short drink glass, add JNPR N°1, then JNPR N°3, the sage syrup and the lemon juice. Mix. Add the ice cubes. Pour in the ginger beer.


To accompany this recipe, nothing better than the delicious combination of a platter of fine cheeses, crunchy nuts and slices of fresh bread!

The complex flavors of JNPR N°3 and N°1 cocktails will blend beautifully with the different textures and aromas, creating a delicious taste experience. To share with friends or family, it is a guaranteed treat. Good tasting !


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Mon Panier

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