Autour d'un verre avec...@SarahPerreau

Over a drink with...@SarahPerreau

Interview JNPR x Jolly Mama @SarahPerreau on 06/09/2022

Sarah Perreau is a mother of a 2-year-old boy, a prenatal yoga teacher and pregnant with her second child. She offers training to prepare the body and mind for childbirth. This sports mama shares her well-being advice, her thoughts on motherhood and the aperitif

  • Introduce yourself in a few words

Hello, my name is Sarah, I am 36 years old, I live in Toulouse and I am a yoga teacher specializing in perinatal support and a mother of a 2-year-old boy.

  • How many months are you?

I am 4 and a half months into this second pregnancy.

  • How are you feeling ?

I'm lucky not to experience first trimester nausea, so apart from a little fatigue I'm lucky to have a pregnancy that's going relatively well. And then I'm going to preach my parish but as a yoga teacher I think it really helps to stay and not have too much pain so for now it's a pregnancy that is going well.

  • The ideal aperitif for you in 3 words?

The convivial aperitif for me it is convivial, generous and greedy. It's an aperitif that you can share with your friends in which pregnant women can also participate, so that is not exclusively composed of a platter of raw milk cheese, cold cuts and alcoholic drinks, which is not necessarily easy for us French people (laughs). There are plenty of super good things that you can do for the aperitif and which are authorized for pregnant women.

  • Your favorite cocktail is...

I don't really have a favorite cocktail in particular but I'm not a big fan of anything sweet so anything that's going to be juice-based isn't really my thing. So rather things that are acidic, tangy or downright salty like for example bloody mary or things based on sour or ginger beer, things like that I much prefer.

  • Why did you accept this partnership with JNPR x Jolly Mama?

I find it really cool that there are brands that finally offer things to pregnant women around the aperitif. Generally when you are pregnant the aperitif is really only restrictions. So it's nice to have options, alternatives: already nice things that you can eat that come out a bit like chips and peanuts and above all to be able to participate in the making of a super nice cocktail even if it's not there's no alcohol in it.

  • Any advice for expectant mothers?

Would be to take care of them. It's really very wide but it can be to take time to play sports, to go for a walk, to have a nice aperitif to just rest. Really take the time to be loved, to pamper yourself.

  • The final word ?

I wish you all a very beautiful pregnancy, a very beautiful summer and good aperitifs!


E-book "9 months (and more) without alcohol" available here